Don’t Let Go of Christmas

Luke 2:16-20—So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

We celebrate Christmas next week, and since I’ll be taking a couple weeks off from our regular encouragement devotions, I wanted to write a devotion that you could carry with you into Christmas, and beyond Christmas.

Because the Christmas account is one we know so well, it is very easy for us to take it for granted, or to look at it as something ordinary. We all agree that Christmas is beyond extraordinary. Just as miraculous as God the Son taking on our human flesh in the womb of the virgin Mary and then being born into this world like any other child, is the miracle that God would keep this promise in the first place!!!

We all know there is nothing deserving or worthwhile in humanity that could ever cause God to want to keep his promise first made to Adam and Eve. In fact, we have given him every reason to forsake us! What a marvel it is that God would so love us! How amazing that God has made us to be and preserves us as the crown of his creation! He did not and does not treat the mighty angels as he does us, human beings. When Lucifer and the other angels rebelled, they were instantly defeated and eternally condemned. They were never promised a Savior. They were lost then and there. And those faithful to the Lord, he confirmed in their holiness and therefore would never be able to sin, just as we shall be in heaven, and therefore also would never be in need of a Savior.

But to us, fallen humankind, who rebelled in our first parents, who pass on that rebellion to every generation and will until the end of time, who display this natural rebellion every day of our lives, even now as jars of clay still being molded by a gracious God into something useful and beautiful, …to us a son is born, to us a son is given… (Isaiah 9:6)!

Yes, at Christmas, we cherish this miracle of God’s grace. Yes, at Christmas, we speak in awe of God’s mercy hidden away in this seemingly ordinary child born in a Bethlehem stable. Yet how easy it is to let that awe diminish and fade like the people of Judea. 

These shepherds, filled amazement and glorifying and praising God, spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. Yet, how quickly that awe faded and was forgotten. How do we know? Just look at the reaction when the Magi came! Forget Herod and his reaction. That’s expected from such a pagan and instrument of Satan. Look at the teachers of Israel. The announcement of the Messiah’s birth from the Magi who came to worship him was news to them. Look at the people of Jerusalem. Instead of remembering the message from the shepherds and again being filled with joy and wonder of God keeping his powerful promise to save, they’re all agitated because of one violent man.

Friends, don’t fall into the same trap as the people of Judea. Don’t let the threat of violence ever take away your Christmas joy. Don’t let the potential threat of any virus or any disease ever take away your Christmas awe that God would so love you and all in this world. Don’t let those who only hold power in this world ever rob you of your Christmas peace which no authority could ever take from you but is yours forever. Every day, be amazed at what the angels and shepherds have to say to you, …a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord! Every day, carry the joy and excitement of the shepherds in your hearts as you glorify and praise your Savior God every day of your life. Dear friends, Don’t Let Go of Christmas!


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