“I’ll Be Right There”

Revelation 22:20—He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

A little voice echoes through the house at midnight: “Mommy! I’m thirsty!” She responds, “I’ll be right there, honey.” What may seem like just a moment to mommy is an eternity to a toddler. “Mommy, I need you now. What’s taking so long?”

The older we get, the more we start sounding like that little child all over again. But instead of calling out for our mothers, we call out to our Savior, Jesus, “Lord, where are you? What’s taking so long? When are you going to return?” What is only a moment for Jesus, is a lifetime for us. As the struggle against sin, the hatred of the world, and the weariness of life grows, we long more and more for Jesus’ return. At the same time we’re tempted more and more to give up and hang our heads low in shame. Your Savior speaks to you to encourage you and to hold your head up in joyful expectation as he reminds you, “I’ll Be Right There.”

The visions have ended and John’s angelic tour guide has left. And just as this amazing day of visions began, they end with Jesus coming to John and speaking to him directly. Behold, I am coming soon! Now we hear Jesus say “soon” and perhaps wonder, “What’s Jesus’ definition of that word? It’s been 2,000 years!” While the Greek word does mean “soon” or “quickly,” it would help us not only to remember that God’s view of time is different than our own, but also to consider that the word can be translated “without delay.” God’s plan, which he made in eternity and set into motion when he created the world, will not be delayed. Nothing will get in the way. Nothing stopped him when he came the first time. Nothing will stop him from returning according to his plan.

The fact that we know the time is near for Jesus’ return only adds urgency to our invitations. To know what Christ has done for us and all the blessings which are now ours eternally, encourages us to carry that invitation with all that we are and have.

Friends, there are little spiritual children around the world and right here in our community crying out in the darkness of a spiritual midnight, “I’m thirsty!” And like a mother bringing her little one exactly what he needs to quench his thirst, friends, you have the only thing that will quench their spiritual thirst. But also make sure you keep on drinking the Word, the free gift of the water of life.

So keep your head up, because soon the struggle will be over. Soon you will be forever safe. Soon you shall rest because Jesus has promised you, “I’ll Be Right There.” Keep your head up, and pray with John, Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!


Jesus Rejoices in Your Repentance


Dorcas’ Dedication